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Inspection Services

Here are our commercial inspection services. We provide complete commercial property inspection services according to the International Standards of Practice for Inspecting Commercial Properties and the Code of Ethics.

Property Condition Assessment

Property Condition Assessment (PCA)

We ensure you understand any forthcoming expenses with a Property Condition Report (PCA). This visual assessment of the building will guide the arranging, selling, leasing, or maintaining of a commercial property.


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Capital Needs Assessment

Capital Needs Assessment (CNA)

A Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) helps you gauge the future costs of the commercial building for the next 20 years. This assessment is based on observation of the property or building.


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Environmental Site Assessment

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is responsible for identifying any issues with the past and present environmental impacts on the soil or groundwater beneath the building. This assessment exposes any liabilities for the property's lender or owner regarding the environment and human health standards.


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Capital Reserve Study

Capital Reserve Study

Capital Reserve: This in-depth analysis is completed on every commercial property inspection in most states. The capital reserve study will aid property managers in keeping the reserve fund at an optimal level by calculating restoration and repairs during the economic life of a property.


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Property Portfolio Review

Property Portfolio Review

The Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is responsible for identifying any issues with the past and present environmental impacts on the soil or groundwater beneath the building. This assessment exposes any liabilities for the property's lender or owner regarding the environment and human health standards.


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Facility Condition Assessment

Facility Condition Assessment (FCA)

During a Facility Condition Assessment, we will document the condition of your property through data, observation inspections, and photographs. Wether you are raising your capital gains or budgeting your expenses, this assessment will inform you of your next steps. 


Click here for more information.


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